Importance of Good Translation in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry


节录自:文誌 – JadeMag  / 全文点击:Read More  ​ 

by The JADE

The pharmaceutical sector in China is growing year by year and its value is expected to grow to $573.5 billion by 2022. This increase makes China’s pharmaceutical market the second largest in the world, closely behind that of the United States. But how can companies in this industry be part of this exceptional growth? The solution lies in translation. Many pharmace …

我一直都在努力折叠往生莲花,每一片花瓣都承载着我对已故至亲的思念。每逢初一、十五时,往生莲花都会随着金银纸一起焚化,烟熏袅袅,仿佛就在向上天传递我偷偷放在花芯里的心声。那时那刻,我不再是一个理性的大人,而如同小男孩般,希望天堂会有WiFi,能够让对方接收我的讯息,也希望天堂会有信箱,能够让对方收到我的祝福。一 芊函
以爱之名 ≫