
注:2025年起,活动转移到人间社区发布。前往 ≫


DPAC Spring Fest 2025: TRADITIONS REIMAGINED (The Legend of the Serpents) – DPAC

DPAC H-01, DPAC, Empire Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/8, Damansara Perdana,, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

How will this fusion of past and present captivate your senses and ignite the spirit of Chinese New Year? With themes of unity, renewal, and hope, don’t miss out on this unique experience that promises to leave you inspired and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the New Year. Get your tickets now and be part of this unforgettable journey!

RM38 – RM88

【厝边头尾 请吃饭】 – Bagan Sg Yu 瓜雪双溪由渔村 ( 彩虹提)

Bagan Sg Yu 瓜雪双溪由渔村 ( 彩虹提) 77 Bagan Sg Yu, Pasir Penambang, Kuala Selangor , 56000, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

2025年的第一场活动 - 【“厝边头尾 请吃饭】这次的“吃桌”盛宴,我們将邀请10位在地厨师,一道道家乡风味的佳肴将从他们手中呈上。一张桌子,10位厨师的拿手好菜,一个价钱吃遍10个厨师的美食,让你品尝到渔村最地道的味道。在乡村,最让人期待的事莫过于那句:“今天要去吃桌(jiak tok)。”这是村里的大事,熟悉的场景和传承的味道相伴。办桌不仅仅是吃饭,更是一场人与人之间的相聚和联结。办桌的灵魂在于总铺,一道道传统佳肴从他们手中呈上。无论是炸物还是炖汤,每一道菜都饱含对食材的敬重和朴实的情感。

RM148 – RM2000